100 Days of AWS: My Certification Journey

Welcome to my 100 Days of AWS challenge, where I’m dedicating at least one hour each day to learning, documenting, and mastering AWS services and certifications.

Starting with the AWS Solutions Architect certification, I’ll be working through various aspects of cloud architecture, and over time, I may expand to include the AWS Developer certification as well.

This project is inspired by the "100 Days of Code" approach, where consistency and accountability are key. My goal is not only to solidify my own understanding and create a revision reference but to also create a resource that can hopefully help others on the same journey.

What I Plan to Achieve

  • Daily Progress: I’ll document everything I learn each day, sharing notes, challenges, and new insights.

  • Consolidating Knowledge: Writing about my learnings helps me revise and strengthen my grasp on key concepts.

  • Certification Focus: Initially, I'll concentrate on the AWS Solutions Architect certification, but I aim to explore additional certifications like the AWS Developer.

  • Helping Others: By sharing my progress and resources, I hope this becomes a valuable reference for others studying for AWS certifications.

How It Will Work

  • Daily Updates: I’ll post daily summaries of what I’ve studied or practiced, along with any challenges or insights.

  • Social Sharing: I’ll be posting updates on Twitter and other platforms to hold myself accountable and engage with the broader AWS and cloud computing communities.

  • Reference Material: Over time, I’ll build out sections like terminology glossaries, key concepts, and other notes and guides to help with revision and exam preparation.

  • **Challenge Rules: **I’ll be approaching this challenge with a more flexible mindset compared to the traditional 100 Days of Code principles. To avoid burnout and make room for family and work commitments, I won’t be rigid about learning seven days every week. This might mean taking some weekends off or combining multiple study sessions into fewer days when needed.

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